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Berkhamsted Half Marathon
and 5 Mile Fun Run

3rd March 2019

The Half Marathon

The Berkhamsted Half Marathon, which tracks through very attractive Chilterns countryside, is an ideally timed event for runners coming back to competitive running after winter training (or hibernation!)  It is frequently used a serious "marker" for those training for the full marathon distance of the London Marathon and elsewhere

The Organisers

The event is promoted by the Rotary Club of Berkhamsted Bulbourne who aim to organise a successful and challenging half-marathon event together with an interesting 5 mile fun run. Over the years this Rotary event has raised more than £250,000 for various charities

          Team Entries

Additional to the cash this event

raises for Rotary charities, runners also raise large sums for their own favourite charities.  If you are a business, charity, school, pub or club we offer discounted rates for a team entry and can help with sponsorship forms. Click the team link below


The Five Mile Fun Run

The Five Mile Fun run is a very popular event with local runners, especially family teams, local schools and community groups who raise sponsorship for their own charitable causes. Sharing part of the Half Marathon route through beautiful countryside, finishing the run gives a great sense of achievement

Schools Challenge

We offer a £250 School Prize for the top 4 girl and boy School teams entering the the 5 mile Fun Run.  Entering a team will also enable students to raise cash through personal or team sponsorship for their favourite charity and everyone will get fit too!

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The Rotary Half Marathon and 5 Mile Run are routed through the beautiful Chiltern countryside. The start is at Berkhamsted Cricket Club which is close to Berkhamsted Station and parking at the station is free for the day.


Your entry helps Rotary raise funds for two local care organisations, the Pepper Foundation and the Hospice of St Francis together with many other local charities.


There's great prize money on offer as well as trophies with £100 for both the male and female winners of the Half Marathon and £50 vouchers for the winners of the 5 mile race. There are also prizes for the top school boys and girls teams. There is a £250 School prize for the top school boys and girls teams


We'll be awarding everyone who completes the races one of our bespoke medals celebrating the history of Berkhamsted, so don't miss adding it to your collection.


  • the 2017 Event saw a great turnout where the Men's Half Marathon was won by Paul Adams in a time of 1:15:09 and the Ladies race by Emma Wilson in 1:21:26

  • Dacorum & Tring Athletics Club won the Women’s Team Shield and St Albans Striders took the Men’s Team Shield.

  • the 5 Mile Fun Run Men's winner was Shajahan Janally in 27:55 and the Women's race winner was Sam Fawcett in 33:04.

  • the Boy's and Girl's School Challenge Shields were both won by Ashlyns School. Don't forget to put down your school affiliation when you enter.

  • The 2018 event unfortunately had to be cancelled due to the snowy weather. Lets hope things are much better for 2019!

Contact Us

We will protect the information you send us in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations, as described in our RCBB Privacy Notice 

Race Committee Chairman

Phil Jones

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Berkhamsted Rotary Trust Fund CIO 

Registered Charity No. 1182564

Copyright Berkhamsted Rotary Trust Fund CIO 2024 - The name 'Berkorun' and all rights are reserved.

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